I know that I have not written in quite a few months. We finally got moved into our new place and it's all ours. We brought Figaro (my kitten of 12 years) from Mom and Dad's house. Jason is still working his magic at The Jones, which is a short 199 STEPS from door to door (which makes for approx. 2 minute commute) and getting GREAT reviews from local media. The Stranger just gave a review, published released on January 17th, gave a outstanding review which has made business very strong the past week! There is even a picture of Jason (a "action" shot which is slightly blurry)! I am so glad that is is finally getting recognition for his talent for what he does as second nature in the kitchen. I'm glad to be his loving sidekick :)
I am still at The Herbfarm and celebrated 5 years as Dining Room queen back in December of 2006. I still am so grateful for the assistance of Katelyn, a college student who sets up one day a week and does a majority of the linen folding for me. I still really do enjoy my job, which is suprising for someone who usually gets bored with things I HAVE to do, such as ... work.... But really it's kinda funny how every day at work I still like making things all pretty and proper. I guess I have found my so called "calling".
The other aspect of my life, sports, is in a pause for the most part. The Mariners finished the season under .500. Oh well, good thing I have a love for the sport and know that we are still building toward a great run very soon. The Seahawks made the playoffs again! The made for a very interesting run in the two playoff games they were in. In the wildcard playoff game against the Dallas Cowboys it was a "edge of your seat" finish with the home team coming out on top and advancing to the Division playoff round against the Chicago Bears. That game was another exciting game! The Seahawks were viewed as 9 point underdogs and made a game of it going into overtime and eventually giving way to a loss with a field goal made thier kicker Gold after the the Seahawks failed to score on their series. Although, I must commend the Seahawks on a great season dealing with many injuries (of KEY players such as the quarterback Matt Hasselbeck and 2005 NFL MVP Shaun Alexander) All and all they made a great run out of what they had to work with and there were so many close games this season. Josh Brown, in my humble opinion, had to be team MVP. He scored so many crutial points throughout the entire season. Next season the leauge better watch out because the Seahawks are going to dominate all over! I am excited. As far as the playoffs go (and they do go on without Seattle) The Bears defeated the N.O. Saints today to advace in the NFC to the Super Bowl. And in the AFC, the Indiana Colts came back and beat the New England Patriots in a quarterback duel to become the Champions of the AFC in 2006. Super Bowl 41 will be played in Miami and will be a battle of the Chicago Bears and the Indiana Colts. ESPN is reporting the it is the first Super Bowl where not only one African American coach will represent a team, but two! Head coach Dundy for the Colts and Coach Lovie Smith for the Chicago Bears. Enough about football, the loss last week still hurts...
FIGARO STOP MEOWING! this cat is insane and sits and meows just to drive everyone NUTS!! He must miss the outdoors or something, i don't know but I am at my witts end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jason has gone to Southern California for 4 days to set up his brothers fish tank and celebrate Sandy's birthday and Figaro knows that he is gone because he has been NON STOP meowing from 10 pm (when J usually gets off work) until I pass out and can finally ignore it. It's been 3 hours of him meowing and I think I just might have to lock Figaro in the opposite side of the apartment because I can't take it anymore.
I'm going nuts.