| Jason and I had wanted to go see his favorite band Ween down in Las Vegas for Halloween ever since we found out they were playing on Halloween. Knowing it was just going to be a drop kick ass good show, we tried to get tickets weeks in advance and set up a little mini vacation. But.... the show had sold nearly immediatly when they were offered a while back. So we were bummed about that and the trip idea sort of died. So instead of going to the show in vegas on halloween, we bought a bunch of Ween stuff from their web site. Jason and I got hoodies that have the little ween dude. They are both black and with Jason being a weirdo and insisting that we never match, i said that i would be the one that wouldn't wear the hoodie if we were together. He also got a few t-shirts, a zippo, a pint glass, and i think something else but i can't remember at this time, please forgive me.Anyways back to the story. As the weeks past and we are still loving weens latest release Quebec in the car and at our work enviroments, we still dream of how cool it would be to see the weirdos on Halloween in VEGAS! Jason has mentioned this to one of the bartenders at the jones and finds out that Malcom is actually going to go to the show, turns out that Malcom has a buddy that lives in vegas and bought 15 tickets! Now we were just being taunted by knowing that Malcom is going to be there and we have to stay home and pass out candy to greedy teenagers and cute little kids on Halloween. So the night of the 30th happens to be Jasons pool night at Pipers Creek Pub, so he is out late. When he comes home i'm messing around on bebo or something. Jason has been thinking about going to the show and how cool it still would be to go. So we go to the ween site and start listening to songs that we haven't heard in a while. Then i decided to see if ticketmaster has released any more passes (day of tickets) I tried and guess what?! I could get buy tickets to the general admission standing only area. The best place to be anyway! So we starting talking about ACTUALLY getting on a plane and going to see the show. After about ten (felt like about 2 hours) we decided that we could make it a fun Halloween weekend. Jason dared me to click the botton to buy the plane tickets. bad idea if you were just joking about the whole trip. Anne clicked and bought the plane tickets. Then anne went back and bought the recently released Ween tickets. We were ready to go now, i printed out the confirmations for the show and the ride down there and hopped in the show to get ready to be at the airport in a mere 3 hours from when we first started listening to Ween for good times. Off we went! We packed a backpack with a change of clothes and a few travel necessities and popped in the car to get to the airport. Dropped the car off at one of those shuttle places, pre-paid for the parking and went to the airport. I hadn't been to the airport since they opened the Pacific Market part, it's really nice! It didn't look like the seattle airport at all!! We went and had breakfast at Anthony's and had a coffee before getting onto the plane. I had to call Carolyn from the airport because when we booked the flight, i forgot that i was supposed to do inventory on the 1st with her, i called and told her to leave me a page or two to count, but she informed me that we are going to start a new inventory where everyother month we just count the glasses and it happened to be the perfect opportunity to start that! Sweet, now anne and jason are free to enjoy eachother on the halloween adventour they were about to embark upon. The flight was pretty short, i was a smarty and booked both flights non-stop. we got to vegas at about 1 in the after noon and grabbed the backback and headed tward the taxi stand outside. Once we got to the signs directing us, i was blown away on how many people needed taxis and the line for them was crazy! Organized, but insane on how many people were using the tazi stand. Anyway, it took a while for us to finally get to the front of the line and get moving. The cab driver informed us that there was some huge convention of car lovers in town the next day and vegas was going to be very full. He asked where were staying and we said we HOPED to stay somewhere cheaper near the HardRock. Luckily for us we only needed the hotel for one night, but they were charging nearly double what they usually would because the demand for rooms was so incredibly high. But it was a nice room, it was pretty close (about 2 blocks) to a 24 hour starbucks and a cold stone creamery. Once we checked in Jason took to the bed for the sleep that surpassed him with the ween listening, ticket buying, and traveling. Since i had slept a good 14 hours the night before and was now in Vegas for the second time, i was ready to walk around and be a visitor!! So i took off and left my honey to rest while i got a little las vegas sunshine. I walked over to the Hard Rock and looked around a bit. It's a pretty small casino, unless i missed a part of it somewhere, maybe there were more levels? anyways i scoped out where we needed to go for the show that evening and where the will call was so we could actually get our tickets. After that i wanted coffee, so i walked across the street to the little strip mall and got a big iced mocha then walked over the the cold stone creamery and got a waffle cone with coffee ice cream and cookie dough bits in it, it hit the spot! i LOVE ice cream, and it's so much more special when it's in a waffle cone, can someone explain to me why that is? After i savored my treat i went back to the room to wake my sweetheart from his slumber. He woke up slowly and then we decided that we should go get the tickets from ticketmaster will call and scope out the bar there for a Malcom sighting, we didn't see Malcom but we did now in fact have two ween tickets in hand for the show that evening, the show that we were drooling over since we found out it was on. Very good feeling, that was. Next we decided to go to the strip. It looks so close! It looks like maybe 1/2 mile tops............ It took us nearly an hour to walk there.... Damn hotels on the strip are so big it makes them look like they are just right there. So we got our exercise in for that day. We stopped in a couple of casinos, but did no gambling, just a walk through to see what it was all about. We continued down the strip walking with the other tourist. I was taking pictures of the things that you usually take shots of in Las Vegas. I actually haven't seen them yet, so i hope they aren't all blurry as i had the flash off to get the night pictures of the hotels... we'll see soon i suppose. Next we got a cab back to the hard rock so we were close enough to grab a bit to eat and relax a little before the show. We got pizza from Joe's New York Pizza. Jason also went to the convience store and got beers for us so that we could start the party a little early and just buy a few drinks at the bar in the Joint. Good thinkin Honey! Pizza was delious and so was my shmirnof ice. Over our lovely dinner of pizza and malt beverages we talked about the impeding marriage between the two of us. His main concern was that none of our family members were there and he thought that make some people mad. But personally i think the ceromony is very personal, when i'm saying my vows i don't need everyone around staring at me when i feel that it's a very private moment between the two of us. I reminded him that the ceromony is for us to make our vows and pleadge our love for one another in front of the person who signs the paper and makes it legal. The party afterwards is where everyone should be to celebrate with us and be happy that we didn't make them sit through a boring ass ceromony.
(( I must stop here because i am falling asleep and have to wake up in the morning fresh for work, i will finish the story on Friday the 11th.)) sorry for the break in action. got married in Vegas on Nov. 1st 2005, PART 2 So i think where i left off is where we had gone to the strip and walked and walked and taken some night-time pictures of tourist type vegas at night. We also got pizza from the little place from across the street from the hotel and got a drink and were discussing the impending "wedding" the next day. Once i convienced Jason that the ceromony was okay to have with just the two of us, he was excited and we decided that we would go downtown before we took off for Seattle the next evening. It was so exciting to know that the next day i would be forever together with the man that makes me laugh and smile and feel like everything will work out as long as we both are still breathing and are together. If Jason has taught me anything it is that no matter how bad things seem to get, it can get worse and it really isn't that bad if you are still breathing and your heart is beating, it WILL always get better. And since i found him life has just been getting better and better. I have made it through surgeries and a whole lotta pain in the past two years and he has been there holding my hand and helping me remember that it is getting better. He helped me survive and keep a good attitude most days. If i mean half as much to him as he means to me I am a lucky lucky girl. So now we go off to the Ween show across the show. The doors opened at 8 and with no opening act the show started at 9. I think it must have been a 21 and over show because there was a bar in The Joint and come to think of it I didn't see anyone that even looked too young to be in the bar area. I hadn't really drank that much in a very long time, so i thought that i should stick to beer instead of cocktails so that i could enjoy the show. I drank bud lights for the rest of the evening and Jason had Buds. It seems like in Vegas that no matter how much you drink your buzz takes so much longer to arrive, like it's having a good time somewhere else and has to find you! Needless to say i had three beers and usually would be three sheets to the wind, but i was not really even feeling the alcohol, but i was too full to drink anymore! The show finally started and we all started rockin out to Ween dressed up as peas and carrots. There were some pretty cool costumes there (it being halloween and all) Some of the ones that stood out to me were Rainbow Bright, A Keg, a Bumblebee, a ladybug, a plethra of nurses and doctors (weird how many of these costumes there were), there was also a couple that dressed up as people floating and waiting to get rescued from hurricane katrina- they had little signs on their backs that said something to the matter of asking for FEMA help. Ween is a very high energy, lyricly genious band. I know two of their cd's very well, but i'm not the die hard fan that knows every song like Jason. But they are a band that no matter if you know the song or not, they are very enjoyable to watch and jam out to. They played my song, or at least the one that Jason calls my song, Zoloft! It was so cool to hear that one live! My favorite song in the universe at the moment wasn't preformed, Transdermal Celebration. TC has an amazing video if anyone cares to watch it, i think you go to chocodog.com or just do a google search for transdermal celebration video. It is a animated video and i swear it throws you into all of the human emotions, i just smile thinking of it. The show was very cool, seeing Ween on Halloween in Las Vegas was just a one of a kind experience that i'm so glad that we decided to go. Silly band in costumes and just being in Las Vegas was amazing. It was so hot in there though, soo soo hot. I had to leave at one point to cool down cause i didn't want to pass out like one chick that i saw being carried out in the first half of the show. The first time i left to go to the bathroom and tried to get back into the show they wern't going to let me back in because THEY took the wrong part of the ticket. Luckily they let me back in and the next time i had to go outside The Joint i talked to the dudes at the door, they double stamped my arm and i was a-ok. After the show we walked around The Hard Rock trying to find Malcom, but there were so many people and they just seemed to be walking around with no direction. We didn't find Malcom in any of the bars and decided that they probably didn't stick around the Hard Rock too long if there was a large group of them. ---- Here is where i was falling asleep again and had to stop for the night, now here is the rest of the story and the completion of our getaway! Damn myspace.com! I had spent over 2 and a half hours typing out the entire day of the first of November and the post never posted, and so now it is lost. I'm so irritated by that damn site i don't think i will ever post there again. IT SUCKS ASSES, not just normal asses either, it sucks POOPY ASSES! MYSPACE.COM SUCKS POOPY HEMROIDAL ASSES!!!
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1 comment:
I'm so glad you are gonna finish it, baby. Be aware, however, that blogger.com is *also* a database, just like MySpace, and you can lose everything when clicking the send button, just as you did over there. If you have something important to type, type it in a blank email, or a word processing file -- something you can save and continue to work on. I have lost hours and hours of work when I forgot to do this. Type it, save it, copy and paste it. Any web-based database system will crap out on you occasionally. MySpace is just growing at such phenomenal speed these days that it craps out often. I heard on the local news tonight that MyS is the 4th most visited website on the planet.
I can hardly wait until you finish.......
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